What is the TRICS Bureau Service and how does it work?

The TRICS® Bureau Service is provided to enable the purchase of specific data when required by non-member organisations.

An organisation wishing to use the TRICS® Bureau Service can contact the TRICS® team to outline their development scenario requirements using the Bureau Application link below. By indicating specific criteria for site inclusion, TRICS® can in effect undertake a trip rate calculation analysis on the organisation’s behalf. The full TRICS® selection and calculation results outputs are then supplied at a cost, outlined below.

Some things for an organisation to consider when looking to use the TRICS® Bureau Service include the following.

  • Is a full trip rates calculation report or only a rank order list required?
  • Are Vehicles Only or Multi-Modal trip rates required?
  • What is the land use of the site and what does the development consist of?
  • Which trip rate calculation parameter should be used to calculate trip rates, for example, per 100m² Gross Floor Area or per dwelling?
  • What is the postcode of the development?
  • What is the size of the site, for example, its GFA or the number of dwellings?
  • Is there any other useful information about the development which could prove useful, such as particular details related to population, public transport or parking?

Please note all TRICS® Bureau Service work undertaken by the TRICS® team will always follow TRICS® Good Practice guidance, to ensure all reports produced are in line with our guidance both in terms of all processes undertaken and all selections made. Therefore, we are unable to fulfill any TRICS® Bureau Service requests that contravene any elements of our guidance on good practice.

When using the TRICS® Bureau Service, the following will be provided:

  • A trip rates calculation report with an hourly breakdown of trips by mode. The breakdown can be half-hourly for Employment land uses.
  • Vehicles Only reports can include trip rates, where available, for Total Vehicles, Cars, Taxis, Motorcycles, LGVs, PSVs, OGVs, Cycles and Scooters.
  • Multi-Modal reports can included trip rates, where available, for Total Vehicles, Cars, Taxis, Motorcycles, LGVs, PSVs, OGVs, Cycles, Scooters, Total People, Vehicle Occupants, Pedestrians, Public Transport Users, Bus and Tram Passengers, Bus Passengers, Tram Passengers, Total Rail Passengers, National Rail Passengers, Overground Passengers, Underground Passengers, DLR Passengers, Coach Passengers, Water Service Passengers and Servicing Vehicles.
  • A complimentary accompanying Rank Order list, where available, for the AM and PM peaks as well as the full day between 07:00-19:00.
  • When paid for a Rank Order list can include up to three custom time periods.

Most TRICS® Bureau Service requests can be fulfilled within a few working days, dependent on how quickly a final survey sample for the calculations can be agreed. However, it must be noted, first time users of the TRICS® Bureau Service will be required to pay for the data up front before receiving it.

All invoices for TRICS® Bureau Service work is sent out electronically and the following must be supplied:

  • The legal entity of the organisation to be billed.
  • The billing address of the organisation to appear on the invoice.
  • The e-mail address(es) where the invoice should be sent.
  • The Purchase Order number or other reference to appear on the invoice, if required.

Costs are per report and each report can contain only one trip rates calculation. If more than one trip rates calculation is required, more than one report will be required.

TRICS® Bureau Service membership is available for a 12 month period. Purchasing an annual TRICS® Bureau Service membership significantly reduces the costs of each trip rates calculation report, as shown in the table below.

Bureau Rates

Annual Bureau Membership - £740

The current fees for use of the TRICS® Bureau Service are shown below, with VAT to be added to all prices.

Bureau Service Members

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Rank order list


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Vehicles only


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Non-Bureau Service Members

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Rank order list


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Vehicles only


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Example Reports

For further information on the Bureau Service please contact a member of the TRICS® team.

We operate a paperless invoicing system to help the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. If you require paper copies of invoices to be sent to you via Royal Mail you will be charged an additional “Postage and Handling” fee.