TRICS® Newsletter - Issue 36
TRICS® 2010(b)v6.6.1 to be released in June
The next update of TRICS®, version 2010(b)v6.6.1, is to be released in June. Updates of TRICS® continue to be issued every 3 months, something that we have found has been quite popular with the TRICS® Community. These quarterly updates give us the opportunity to add new data to the system at more regular intervals, meaning that users are able to access this new data with minimal delay. We are pleased to confirm that the turnaround time of adding new data to the system continues to be swift and efficient, something that we most certainly will continue with as the 2010 data collection programme progresses.
We are also pleased to confirm that planning for further system developments in 2010 is about to get underway, thanks to the feedback we have received from the TRICS® Community in recent months via our annual User Questionnaire. If you have yet to complete our questionnaire, it is not too late, as we are still collating responses. So please take a few moments to let us know how you would like to see TRICS® develop over the coming months – your views really do make a difference.
Book your free place at the 2010 TRICS® User Meeting
We are pleased to report that bookings for attendance at the 2010 TRICS® User Meeting have been going very well, and there is still the opportunity to add your name to the attendance list as some places remain available in the run-up to the event in June.
This year’s meeting is being held in central Birmingham, on Tuesday 15th June. The location is an innovative contemporary venue called The Studio, which is very close to Birmingham’s central New Street station. Details can be found at, and our delegate booking form can be accessed via As usual, each TRICS® member office is allowed a free place at the meeting, which includes a buffet lunch and refreshments during the day. Additional places from the same office are also available at a rate of £150 for TRICS® members and £250 for non-members.
The User Meeting is an ideal forum for the exchange of ideas and the presentation of papers relating to the TRICS® system, covering a variety of different topics. Informal yet informative, this popular annual event also allows networking opportunities between members of the TRICS® Community from across the UK and Ireland. Our popular interactive workshop sessions in the afternoon also give attendees the opportunity to use the software and understand its features. This makes the event ideal for both new and experienced users.
This year, presentations are being given on the results of the 2010 TRICS® User Questionnaire, TRICS® Good Practice, a case-study of a TRICS® residential multi-modal survey, the processes involved in validating TRICS® survey data, and how the analysis of modal split is improving as the database continues to expand. This promises to be yet another productive and interactive event, and the ideal opportunity to provide us with your much-valued feedback, so we look forward to meeting with you in June.
TRICS® Conference 2010 – Save the Date
We are pleased to announce that the 2010 TRICS® Conference will be taking place on Wednesday 17th November, at a magical new venue in the heart of London.
This year’s conference, which has the theme “Managing Movement”, is to be held at the unique Magic Circle Headquarters very close to Euston Station. The day will consist of a number of top quality papers covering a range of sub-themes. “Managing Streets” will include papers on the forthcoming Manual for Streets 2 document, presented from a range of angles including development planning and legal perspectives. This is to be followed by a session entitled “Managing Regeneration”, which will look at the transport considerations of regeneration in Belfast, the South of England and Scotland. “Managing People” takes a look at how we can manage attitudes and travel behaviour, how transport choices can be marketed, and how travel plans and development can be audited.
The next session is a debate between two opposing views, entitled “Parking: More or Less”, which promises to be quite lively. It is then followed by a choice of two breakout sessions, the first being a TRICS® system demonstration, and the second being an interactive discussion forum which is set to cover a variety of topics highlighted by attendees prior to conference day.
With delegate fees heavily reduced from the 2009 event (this year priced from £199 per person), we look forward to the 2010 conference at a venue with excellent facilities and a unique magical atmosphere. Further details of booking arrangements will be made available soon through direct correspondence and at
2010 Good Practice Guide now available
The 2010 update of the TRICS® Good Practice Guide is now freely available, having been updated from the 2009 version following much-valued feedback from members of the TRICS® Community.
This document is a very important resource for both producers and auditors of TRICS® data, and is something that is regularly quoted up to Public Inquiry level. All members of the TRICS® Community are encouraged to follow its guidelines, which promote the most appropriate use of the system. The guide covers a wide variety of elements of system usage, and we would say that it is the most important document for any TRICS® user to read and understand. We also encourage your feedback as we continue to update the guidance – your ideas are really important to us.
The guide is now available for download at, and can also be accessed from the Library module of the on-line version of TRICS® once you have logged on as a user. Copies can also be made available by contacting the TRICS® team.
Relocation of TRICS® team
As of 4th May 2010, the TRICS® team was relocated to JMP’s London Docklands office, a stone’s throw from Canary Wharf. Business continues as normal, with our contact details within this newsletter amended as appropriate.
We are also pleased to announce a new member of the team. Samantha Mead has joined us as a TRICS® Co-ordinator, and will be working alongside Cerian Scriven. Attendees at this year’s User Meeting will have the opportunity to meet all members of the TRICS® team.
TRICS® Training Sessions available
TRICS® training sessions are available to all users. These sessions consist of a full system demonstration plus an interactive workshop session, which allows attendees to fully test the system. These sessions continue to receive good feedback and have been popular with our members at universities, councils and consultancies.
For information on training sessions, please contact Ian Coles.
Quarterly payment option available
We are pleased to confirm the continued availability of a quarterly payment option for all of our members. We understand that cash-flow can be an issue in the current economic conditions, and this option allows user organisations to spread the cost of their annual licences across four quarterly payments, rather than having to pay for their licence in one go. For those wishing to take up this offer, four invoices will be forwarded instead of one, at three-monthly intervals. This does not affect user expiry dates in any way, and all you need to do to set up this option is contact a member of the TRICS® team when your licence is due for renewal.
Free 1 month trial of TRICS® available
A free 1-month trial of the latest full version of TRICS® is available to all organisations upon request. Throughout the free trial period full technical support is available at no cost, and there is no obligation once the period has expired.
Many organisations have already found this trial useful. Anyone interested in the free trial should contact the TRICS® team.
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